Sunday, July 6, 2008

Markers 'Round the House

"This guy's got his lucky battery," a player across the table said one night.

"It's not working very well," I said with a laugh. I took a AA battery to use as a card marker -- a device to protect your cards from being declared dead, through things like touching another player's chips.

I've become known at Thursday night poker for bringing a different card marker every week. I simply pick something small that's lying around the house. For instance:

* Last Thursday night -- a wine cork in a kitchen drawer.

* The week before -- my house keys. (I wore shorts which didn't have any pockets.)

* One night in June -- a little bottle of bubbles, from my youngest niece's wedding. Blowing bubbles beats cigarette smoke any day of the week.

* On occasion -- food. A man named Rodney wanted to take me out in the worst way one week because "I've got to get that pretzel!" (I gave it to him after I busted out.)

I do it to make the game fun -- and quietly make a point. Some people believe in taking lucky charms to the poker table. And I don't mean the breakfast cereal. I try to show you can succeed by bringing any old thing with you.

Poker has some luck involved -- but that sort of luck goes too far. And if some players aren't careful, it can become idolatry. Read Exodus 20 for some words of warning about that.

1 comment:

Soon To Change Blog Name said...

I think if I were to bring ANYTHING at all as a card cover ... it might be something that simply says this ... STOP PLAYING TOO MANY HANDS.

To me ... thats the ultimate death in tourney poker. Just cuz your in the small blind doesnt mean you should wast 1/2 blind to play 7/2 or some other equally bad hand. Its really hard to fight that itch after folding bad hand after bad hand ... but you have to ... to survive.