Monday, July 21, 2008

Hunches Happen. Sometimes.

We've raced over here from the Yahoo poker site, feeling really good. Read on to know why....

BLINDS: $1/$2 (pretend money)

IN THE POCKET: Q-10 of diamonds. I raise to 4, thinking something good is coming. Others raise with me.

ON THE FLOP: A-K-J, rainbow.

No flush, but I'm a straight-flopper. (Which is easier to say than "flush-flopper.")

In this limit hold-em game, I bet the allowed $2. A woman to my right raises to $4. I go to $6. She goes to $8. I go to $10 -- and type "Back at ya!" She raises to the top level of $12, and I call.

ON THE TURN: A small club, putting two clubs on the board.

I'm first in line, and Yahoo will only let me check or fold. I check, and the woman to my right starts the stairstep again -- only now it's 4-8-12-16-20. Three players go all the way to $20 calls. I root for no clubs.

ON THE RIVER: 6 of spades.

No flush. No chance for a full house. Yet the woman to my right dares to bet once more, and raises me all the way to the $20 top. The third player calls along, apparently thinking it's a bluff. But in Yahoo poker with small limits, bluffing doesn't happen often -- and it seldom works.

I thought sure the woman had her own Q-10, and we were splitting the pot. But no -- my top straight wins with ease, as all she has is a pair of Aces! The third player clung to a pair of Kings in vain. So I take a $200 pot, wishing it was for real.

The lesson for the opponents may be an old standard: Don't fall in love with your cards. I'd add: Love the Lord your God instead (Deut. 6:4).

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