Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Learning Curve

And now today's poker lesson.  Actually, it came from an online chat we played some time back.  While we don't remember all the details, we suspect this was a successful "all-in" moment:

Fish:  Bluff at a dry potfoolish it only helps the all in player when you chase off the others
Dealer:  aloncapecod wins Main Pot ($1185)
Me:  Thank you. (scribble scribble)
Fish:  I figured that bernadette needs the help
Me:  We all need help from time to time - right?

We'll leave it up to you to determine if Fish's advice is correct.  Debate it in our comments if you'd like.

But our pretend "scribbling" of the advice is a reminder that there's always something new to learn at a poker table.  Former WSOP Main Event champion Jamie Gold once said on TV he was still "learning" the game.  If he's still learning, shouldn't we all?

And you know, that's true in life as well.  It's good to learn new things every day.  In fact, a book filled with knowledge recommends it:
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. - Matthew 11:29

The "me" here is Jesus Christ.  The Son of God gave advice that is timeless, yet easy for all of us to overlook in the daily rush of things.  But Jesus also said....
Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. - Matthew 5:48 (NASB)

It takes a lifetime to become "perfect" -- or as the original Greek says, "complete."  To learn the sort of perfection Jesus had (as in sinless and holy) takes daily effort.

We recommend quality "learning" time in the Bible - then a conscious effort to apply what God's Word shows you there.
But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen. - II Peter 3:18 (KJV)

Can you say "amen" to that - because you're doing it?

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