Thursday, June 25, 2015

Missing the Straight

The very first hand of the tournament had an interesting board: 3-4-5-6-10 (not necessarily in that order).  Two players took it to the showdown.

"I have a pair of 7's," one man said turning over his cards. The other man had a 10. The dealer awarded that other man the pot, and shoved the chips his way.

"That's a straight," several people at the table then pointed out. The professional dealer didn't grasp that. He somehow only saw a 4-5-6 - not a 3.

The tournament clock was stopped to sort things out.  But since the dealer had made his decision and the man with the 7's apparently never realized he had a straight (he never spoke up about it until others did), there was nothing that could be done.

In big-time tournaments, things might have been different - places with cameras overhead, recording every hand. There could have been a video review. But even though this poker room has security cameras, the manager didn't go there.

A long discussion followed about what had been missed. And that led to a thought on our part. "If everyone was perfect, no one would ever lose at poker."

Some players have learned that lesson the hard way. They make logical bets, thinking their flush or full house simply must be the best hand - only to watch their opponent hit jaw-dropping quads.  And let's face it: when was the last time you saw a poker player win every hand in a tournament, the way a baseball pitcher might throw a perfect game?

Perfection is a great goal. In fact, it's a godly goal:
Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. - Matthew 5:48
 The One who said that was Jesus Christ, the Son of God who never sinned. For the rest of us, we can take comfort in the fact that "be" in that verse can be translated "become." Becoming perfect is a process - and often a struggle.
We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check. - James 3:2
 We need help in playing a "perfect game" of life. And the good news is that God is willing to provide that help.
It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect - Psalm 18:32
 Do you get easily frustrated over the lack of perfection in your life - in the poker room or anywhere else?  We have a Bible study which could help you think carefully about that. Maybe even - do we dare say it? - more perfectly.

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