Thursday, September 20, 2012

Skill Sets

We've been meaning to discuss an interesting court ruling about poker in New York.  It was mentioned Wednesday night on the public radio business-news program Marketplace -- where a federal judge recently ruled poker is a game of skill, more than luck or chance.

To quote from the ruling: "Expert poker players draw on an array of talents, including facility with numbers, knowledge of human psychology, and powers of observation and deception.... Players can use these skills to win, even if chance has not dealt them the better hand."

We didn't realize there's actually research to back up this judicial opinion.  Players considered "highly skilled" tend to make more money at the World Series of Poker than off-the-street amateurs.  Without paying for the research paper, we think this happens in part because skilled poker players know the mathematical odds for success with certain hands.

But what about those other two talents the judge mentioned?  A book ignored by many people has helpful advice about those.  For instance....
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.  Who can understand it? - Jeremiah 17:9
This Old Testament verse suggests to us it's good to be wary of what your opponents at a poker table might have.  In fact, you might learn a trick or two from how they handle a hand.
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be you therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. - Matthew 10:16 (KJV)
Jesus might put it this way today: Be smart in what you do -- but not so smart that you hurt others in the process.  Enjoy playing poker, but be sensitive enough toward opponents that you don't cause damage to them in some way (for example, with needless trash-talking).

Some poker players hope this federal ruling will open a door for some kind of federal law to legalize full-fledged online tournaments -- the games sites such as Full Tilt Poker ran before last year's Justice Department crackdown.  We personally think any change will depend on which party controls Congress after the November election.

Whatever happens in government, and wherever you happen to play poker, remember this: God someday will have a "payoff" based on the skills you have.  Read Matthew 25 for the details, told in parable form.  And if you have skills which help you at the table, use them well -- but use them honorably.

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