Sunday, August 11, 2019

Back to the Fifties

When the World Series of Poker began in June, we noted it was the 50th such event. But we noted that some people (and perhaps even the WSOP) called it the "50th anniversary" - which isn't mathematically right, because it's 49 years since the first one.

It reminded us of how some church groups sadly fight over how to count things. Take this one, which Jesus mentioned:
For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. - Matthew 12:40
Sounds simple, doesn't it? Jesus was buried for "three days and three nights" after His crucifixion.

Trouble is, many Christian denominations say Jesus was killed on Friday and was resurrected on Sunday morning. They parse at words and hours, trying to explain how "three days and three nights" somehow fit into about 48 hours. (Here's an article on that issue, if you'd like to look into it.)

We noted earlier this year that some church groups disagree on the number 50 as well, in computing when to keep the Christian festival of Pentecost. We promised to do our own study into it. After several weeks of complicated digging, it's ready. It's quite a mix of numerology, history and linguistics. Have your thinking cap and "good books" ready as you read it.

In poker tournaments, accurate chip counts matter. Shouldn't the counting of days and years matter as well - especially when it comes to events which shape all eternity?

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