Sunday, June 16, 2019

Poker Day 576: Power Outage?

It's a stormy weekend in the Cincinnati area - and even though the rain had stopped, we lost electricity at home during our morning prayer. But we'd already planned a Sunday morning trip to Jack Casino, hoping to repeat our last success there. Would timing the trip for Father's Day work to our advantage?

BLINDS: 100/200

IN THE POCKET: Queen-10 of hearts

A slow-arriving crowd allowed us to claim a few small pots in the first period. Now we're in the Big Blind with six at our table, and about 24,000 chips. A man sitting on our immediate left leads off with a raise to 1,000. Everyone between us folds.

"OK, OK," we say. We'll defend and call.

ON THE FLOP: 3c-8h-9h

This is a flop with lots of promise - all the way to a straight flush. But our opponent makes a continuation bet of 3,000. We sense he has a strong pocket pair, like Q-Q. But with hope, we call.


That's not the right answer for us. And we could pay for it, as our opponent throws out 6,000. Now we know he's trying to run us off, and we're still not convinced he's hit the board. It's a big risk, but with potentially big reward. So we call. Any heart or a Jack....


Aargh! We struck out. Now our opponent goes all-in, and there's no way we can call it.

"I swung, but I missed," we say as we fold.

"So did I," he answers - and shows K-7 of diamonds! He was bluffing all along. But he still would have topped us, if we had called.

That loss was a crippler for us. We never won another hand, and went all-in with 2,700 left when we saw J-J. But a man who called with K-7 caught a King on the flop. Father's Day was not our day, as we're the second player out at our table.

MINISTRY MOMENT: "Are you an electrician?" a woman near us when she saw our card protector. We get that question a lot, when we bring out our electric adapter.

On this day, it was inspired by the power outage at home. But we added our usual explanation: "This reminds me that I receive power from the Holy Spirit of God."

The woman seemed to understand what we meant. She said she's attended a "Power and Purpose" conference the previous weekend at a Catholic university in eastern Ohio. She considered it very helpful.

"Our church congregation marked Pentecost last weekend," we noted. That's a celebration of the Holy Spirit that actually has Biblical roots, as we mentioned here recently:
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.... All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. - Acts 2:1-2, 4
What sort of "power" does the Holy Spirit provide? Among other things, it gives us the courage to speak about God in a poker room....
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. - Acts 1:8
In the days of the early church, that power was evident in more than flames of fire (Acts 2:3)….
...By the power of signs and miracles, through the power of the Spirit. - Romans 15:19
That woman had spoken before the game about escaping damage from recent tornadoes in southwest Ohio. We can't say for sure, but perhaps it was a case of God miraculously intervening.

When in doubt, we recognize God as our powerful King who can do powerful things through His Spirit. It certainly beats trying to claim credit yourself - right?

UPDATED POKER SCOREBOARD: 221 final tables in 576 games (38.4%) - 48 cashes.

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