Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Old Numbers Game

A recent post presented one winning poker player's opinion about why children should be taught the game. But there's one positive aspect she didn't mention - that poker can teach young people math skills.

We found a column explaining why mathematics matters in a poker room. For grade-schoolers, there's the obvious truth that a 10 is (worth) more than a 6 and that three of a kind is better than two.

But the math gets more complicated from there. For instance, did you know (based on our link) that a pocket pair turns into "trips" on the flop about 11.5 percent of the time?

This column reminded us that some people aren't always logical with their math skills. One example occurred only a couple of weeks ago. Consider the words of Jesus....

For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. - Matthew 12:40

Jesus was answered demands from some people for a "miraculous sign" (verses 38-39). He took them back to a classic Old Testament tale....

But the Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish three days and three nights. - Jonah 1:17

(The Bible never calls the fish a "whale," but that's not our point here.)

By comparison, Jesus was talking about His death. After three days and three nights, He would be resurrected (16:21) - and the Bible records that actually happened (Luke 24:21 and other verses).

The really big problem (to borrow from a math-centered show on public TV) is that many people think Jesus died on "Good Friday" and came back to life on "Easter Sunday." Even with common core, that's bad math. That timeline only allows for one full day and two full nights.

Some Bible scholars try to explain this by saying part of a day counts as a day. Yet they never seem to apply that principle to another moment in the Bible....

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. After fasting 40 days and 40 nights, he was hungry. - Matthew 4:1-2

We've never found a Christian preacher who claims this fast was shorter than that - say, 28 days and 27 nights. So why do they condense it when it comes to Jesus's death and resurrection?

The short answer is: tradition - and much like not all math figuring is good, so not all traditions are good. We think the right answer is to start a new tradition. One that's biblically sound and mathematically accurate.

If you have fuzzy math when it comes to this, here's a chart that may help.sort things out. Search the Scriptures carefully with it. As some ministries like to say, "Good science supports the Bible" - and we think good mathematics and traditions will as well.

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