Sunday, March 11, 2018

Fair Dealing

If you think temptation is a problem during poker hands, consider the people who deal the cards.

A dealer at Las Vegas casinos recently was fired after being accused of stealing chips from a cash game and sneaking them into his tip box. The man left one casino under a cloud, but went to a different casino and continued dealing cards for several months.

The Nevada Gaming Commission reportedly doesn't hold hearings like this very often. Dealers are normally under a strict code of conduct; some of them can't play table games where they work on their off hours. But let's face it: dealers handle a lot of money - even if it's in the form of chips, and other people are trying to win it.

If you play poker, can you be as disciplined as the dealers have to be? Can you abide by a simple command....

You shall not steal.- Exodus 20:15

Sounds easy enough, you might say. But can you go even beyond that?

Abstain from all appearance of evil. - I Thessalonians 5:22 (KJV)

Is playing poker evil? Some ministers say so - but regular readers of this blog know we consider that matter more complex. We're talking here about playing ethically - not taking shortcuts or peeking at other players' cards.

Dealers should know better than to cheat. Where we played near Wichita, overhead cameras could track every table. Think about what God can do when you play:

The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good. - Proverbs 15:3

May your eyes and words and thinking be above reproach - as God might be looking in.

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