Monday, August 8, 2016

Poker Night 481: Unsynchronized Betting

"I'm going on only three hours' sleep," we said to the man at our left tonight. "So if I fall asleep during a hand, give me a nudge."

The man could relate - telling of sleeping four hours or so, then driving for eight. Truly for some of us, it was survival of the fittest at Yvie's Bar and Grill. A one-time change in the work schedule had us working a lot for two days, then having a Monday night off for the first time in weeks. Would that mean success - or tiredness?

BLINDS: 200/400

IN THE POCKET: 9-10 of spades

Not many good cards have come so far, and our stack has dipped as a result. Feeler bets have failed, and we have about 7,000 of a starting 10,000. But by and large, our table of seven is playing tight. So with suited connections, we feel our way out again - and are happy when no one calls. About five players are in.

ON THE FLOP: 10h-10c-Qc (suit of first 10 not precise)

Three (of a kind) to get ready! But we're not quite set to go for the jackpot yet. We're late in the betting order - so when the play checks to us, we check along. We'd like someone else to stab at the pot first.


Uh-oh. The appearance of a third club means the waiting game is over, since a couple of flushes already have been made. A man across from us offers 600. Then we do something that puzzles some people at the table.

"Raise - 1,600," we say.

"That's unusual," an older woman two seats to our left responds. In a way, that's good. You might call this a separation raise - separating the chasers from the real contenders. (That woman already had folded.) Other players fold, but the original bettor calls. Part of us wonders if he already has it.


If he did, it's worthless now! Two pair on the board means we have a full house. The man who bet before now checks, and it's time to go for it. We're down to a single yellow chip, worth 5,000.

"Two-thousand," we say as we plunk it down. A nice-sized bet - but too much for our opponent. He folds, and we win a big pot to return to about our starting level.

"You had an Ace, didn't you?" that older woman asks us a moment later.

"Well..... I had something," we answer playing dodgeball.

"I'll bet you had an Ace," she says. Always keep 'em guessing....

Our stack went up and down much of the evening - winning at one point with a well-timed bluff bet that chased away the table, losing at another point when our top two pair fell to the same "triple deuce" hand we saw last time out in North Kansas City.

At the first break, we had 7,000 chips with 12 players left from a starting 18. But with 11 to go, rising blinds forced us to push with K-J. The board brought three Queens. But a man to our left had an Ace, while the man we took on earlier had a 4 which happened to make a full house. We bowed out in 11th place.

MINISTRY MOMENT: "He was off by about half-an-inch," one man at our table said as he watched the poker room TV. No, card games were not on tonight. People were watching Olympic synchronized diving from Brazil.

Our seat was turned away from the screen, so we settled for the analysis of other players. But as the diving unfolded, we said to a man at our left, "Can two walk together except they be agreed?"

It's a famous quote fitting for the TV competition. In fact, it might sound Biblical to you - and for a change, this one actually is:
Can two walk together, except they be agreed? - Amos 3:3 (KJV)

Those eight simple words can pack a lot of punch. We offended a co-worker at a job years ago when we said them as a question. That woman was going through a divorce. Even though we never mentioned the source of the quote, she apparently knew the source - and she declared us judgmental.

But a TV viewer at our table tonight noted how some synchronized divers actually walked alike, along the edge of the diving pool. To win an Olympic medal, they must act (and probably think) exactly the same way. So how often do you do that?
Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one; as you, Father, are in me, and I in you.... - John 17:20-21  (KJV)

Jesus Christ succeeded in living a perfect sinless life because he was "one" with the Father. In fact, the Father was in Jesus and vice versa - something we think the Holy Spirit made possible. And the God-Family wants that in us as well....
I in them, and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. - John 17:23

Christian groups might disagree on all sorts of things - from what foods to eat to what Bible translation to read. But they should be united in their belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

In all our years of poker, we can't recall anyone saying the word ":synchronicity" before tonight (not even the old rock song with that title). But a man said it while watching Olympic diving. So we ask it of you. Are you in synchronicity with God and Jesus? If not, maybe it's time to get in line:
Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. - Galatians 5:25

UPDATED POKER SCOREBOARD: 178 final tables in 481 games (37.0%) - 34 cashes.

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