Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Truth Squad

"Poker is a game that was created by liars, played by liars...."

So begins an online article about "ten lies" poker players use during games.  But we have a problem with that claim.  While we're not sure who created the game of poker, not everyone who plays it is a liar.

Actions in a poker hand can send all sorts of signals -- some of them true, some of them deceiving.  But your words at the table don't have to do that.
Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. - Ephesians 4:15

We believe this should be done in a poker game, every bit as much as in a worship service.  And no, it doesn't have to reduce the fun of the game.  But it might challenge you to be more creative in the words you use.

Let's say the board shows A-K-J.  You have Q-10.  Someone figures out you have a straight, and asks directly if you have it.  You don't have to lie by denying it.  And you don't have to confess you have it.  Here are some answers we've used, and have heard others use:
  • "Maybe I do.  And maybe I don't."
  • "You'll have to pay to find out." (Said to an opponent facing a tough decision to call.)
  • "Wow, it was cold outside today."  This is the most absurd response of all, and might leave your opponent feeling overconfident about his guess.  But it might give the table a good laugh -- and make the atmosphere a bit more fun.
But then again, there's this verse to consider....
Let God be true, and every man a liar. - Romans 3:4

What do you think that quote means?  Offer a comment if you'd like, and we'll offer our thoughts in a future post.

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