Sunday, July 14, 2013

Remember As You Play....

We all stumble in many ways.  If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check. - James 3:2

The check may be the least sexy move in poker.  It doesn't make for good television, and doesn't advance the plot of a dramatic Western movie.  Yet many times, it is the safe, proper thing to do -- for instance, if four cards are showing for a flush or straight.  (Especially if you don't have the fifth one.)

Checking is the act of not betting anything, once you're already put chips into a hand.  You're still in, but not committing any more unless you have to.

That sort of carefulness is what keeping our bodies "in check" is about.  It means not saying more than you need to say in a situation, and not doing anything which could put your body and reputation at risk.

It's the approach that's "simple and safe" -- and admittedly, that can be boring and dull in some eyes.  But in poker, it can bring modest success while you wait for big moments to come.  So don't be afraid of it, at the table and in your life.  A little chip growth is still growth.

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