Thursday, November 11, 2010

Trash or Treasure

"Trash-talk" has become commonplace in the sports world -- and we even hear it sometimes at local poker tournaments. A few online players can take it to outlandish extremes. Here's one recent example at National League of Poker:

SALGUNDY: i am your king
SALGUNDY: u my servants

Sal was talking about defeating the entire table, as if his "day job" is in professional wrestling. But we felt compelled to speak up, and gained some support:

Me: No. Jesus is my king. :-)
teindaddy02: amen to that
SALGUNDY: jesus is a mexican name
Me: OK, I'll be more specific.
Dealer: _EMELY_ wins Main Pot ($1400) with Two pair, kings and fives
teindaddy02: sal u are a dumb***
Me: Not Jesus Alou (former baseball player).....
Me: but Jesus Christ.
SALGUNDY: ohhhhhhhhhh

Jesus Alou actually was born in the Dominican Republic, but that's not our point. Our point is that the other Jesus is a King, and believers are to be His subjects -- now and for eternity:

I charge you to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which God will bring about in his own time -- God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of Kings and Lord of lords.... -- I Timothy 6:13-15

The next part of the chat went like this, as our supporter went all-in to be eliminated:

teindaddy02: im out of here i dont want to hear this idiot....
teindaddy02: flop gl buddy
Me: Take care - and go with God. :-)
SALGUNDY: buy daddy
SALGUNDY: buy dad
teindaddy02: always no other way to go

As a radio minister of years gone by liked to say, "Walk with the King today and be a blessing!" An Old Testament prophet recommended that as well....

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. -- Micah 6:8

Notice that -- to walk humbly? We don't think that means bragging or trash-talking at the table. Unless, perhaps, you're giving God the glory.

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