Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wait Your Turn

We learned a lesson Wednesday night in how a poker dealer is supposed to operate. But someone else received all the blame for the problems that resulted.

We dealt a flop, then a turn card. A man to our immediate left (next in order to deal) then started collecting the face-down cards which had been folded and burned. But in the process, he raked in the cards of a man still in the hand! He'd leaned back for a moment and taken his hands off them, with no card protector (like our "Jesus as your Savior" coin).

The man who took charge of the cards said such raking is common by the dealer at real poker rooms. But others said he was out of line to collect cards while a hand was in progress -- and besides, he had already folded.

In an effort to make peace, we apologized. We didn't realize part of our duty was to clean the table of dead cards, so it was our fault. No one else wanted to accept that explanation.

The point of the moment? Patience should be exercised not only when you're playing a poker hand -- but even when you're out of it. The man who collected the cards has a habit of playing very quickly and urging others to do so, as if he has a classic "Type A" personality.

"Be completely humble and gentle," Paul advises in Ephesians 4:2; "be patient, bearing with one another in love." One player at our table noted if a cash-game was underway, the man who collected cards quickly would NOT have been treated lovingly. He might be shown the door - at least.

Poker has an order to it, in terms of taking turns. May you be a courteous example by not jumping the gun, and risking offense to those around you.

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