Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday Rewind: Honestly Now

So what did you think of our fellow player's comments about honesty, during a chip exchange?

It's a common joke at poker tables that players "never lie." Some players go beyond bluff-betting to make false statements about their hands, without even caring. Take this recent example online....

yzmann: ak
Me: No, I'm not in Alaska. :-)
Me: Taking you at your word. [We fold; he eventually shows two much lesser cards]
Me: Ha! Had A-Q
Dealer: yzmann wins Main Pot ($2270) with One pair, eights
Me: So much for that (sigh)

It could have been our pot -- but we gave another player the benefit of the doubt. The phrase "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" will apply should we meet again.

We make it a practice never to verbally lie about our hands. Instead, we might say "maybe, maybe not" we hit a straight -- or we might say nothing at all.

Jesus explained one of His parables by saying people who bring good fruit for God's Kingdom have "an honest and good heart...." (Lk. 8:15) It takes both -- because honesty without a good heart can make you look downright ugly before others.

Paul encourages believers in Philippians 4:8 to think on "whatsoever things are honest" -- but that's in the context of things which are just, pure and lovely. Mix all those character traits together, and your honesty will be welcomed by others. If you don't, you'll look no better than a trash-talking fan at a sports event.

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